Monday 16 April 2012

Evaluation For AS Media Blog

Q1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
On my magazine designs i have used similar conventions of a front cover and a double page spreadsheet. For example my title/ masthead on my front cover at the top of the page, it stands out in a separate font and uses up to three different colours to suit the effect of a heavy metal magazine. Also, following the conventions of a front cover, the cover lines match my title/ masthead and suit the theme of the magazine to entertain the audience including the same colours as the title but with a different font.

I have mainly kept the colour theme to my magazine designs so that the whole idea for the audience is to attract people who like heavy metal music. Plus, i have gather the results of my questionnaire which has help me find the write colour for the attraction of a suitable audience for a heavy metal type of music.

Plus, my central image of my front cover is a close-up of the the musician, which i quite normal compared to another magazine, but I took the image of the person playing music at a low-angle, which makes my magazine look different to others. The image of the musician/ main person is not looking at the camera, therefor he is not looking at the audience/ reader which makes him look unique, compared to the rest of the artist that are involved in the magazine. This keeps the audience entertained before they have even looked onto the contents page. For example:

 At the top of my front cover, my masthead says 'Unleashed' meaning to unleashed your inner rock soul. It was an idea of my own so that it relates to heavy metal. I'm hoping that this title/masthead inspires the audience and promotes my magazine and persuade the audience/ reader to buy it.
The convention that i challenged was the heavy metal theme, font and language. When researching heavy metal and knowing my cultural knowledge of the music genre itself, i knew some speeches/quotes/ words that some rockers or heavy metal musician would say or use. So then it was hard for me to find a font to the theme but also the words/ sentences i used in my front cover. But before i could find the font, i decided to make it look really dark and Gothic for it to be suitable for the heavy metal theme, i did this so it can look more presentational and more exciting for the representation of the magazine front cover. When i font the right font(s) for my front cover, i also had to choose about 2 separate fonts from the masthead for the cover lines of my front cover design. My main achievement  for the design was to attract a suitable audience and to make the reader feel like they are involved in the presented stories and images that are revealed in my magazine designs and not make them feel as though they are reading a T.V guide magazine.

Q2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?
My media product represents an audience aged 12-20 who have an interest in heavy metal music. I think that my magazine reveals musicians as an inspiration to the audience/ reader of the magazine which is why my front cover presentation is different to a similar rock magazine.

On the front cover of the magazine there is a picture of a young teenager playing a guitar which fits perfectly into the music genre and the theme of my magazine. Also, its suitable to gain the audience's attention that inspires them to read them magazine. The cover line that says 'Ryan McMannion' is sort of an introduction to the audience, so they know who he is. i think that Ryan represents a lot of teenagers and their favourites types of rock music as he wears the right style to match the magazine. Plus he shows the aspects of young teenage life in their time of music as he has long hair and dark clothing, which evidently does suit heavy metal. On my finished designs, as you can see that Ryan's pictures is the biggest item on my front cover and i think this helps him stand out and reveals the outlook on teenage music. Also, i think i draws the attention of the audience towards the magazine as it looks persuasive and it may be able to communicate to the audience through all the aspects in which he represents himself to teenagers.

When the audience of the magazine look at the front cover i think that they will be inspired by the image of Ryan, judging him as a great, successful young musician trying to reach his full potential in life, searching for his main goal in his career. but if the audience does disagree with that, then that is what my magazine is trying to tell everyone, including the people who aren't interested in heavy metal or rock genre music.

I think that Ryan could be shown as a young successful musician for my target audience because the position of his picture shows that their is music anywhere is any ones life, and you shouldn't be afraid to express your inner musical spirit, and your talent if you have any. The magazine front cover teaches people that not only rock is a great taste fo music but so is edverything else, by reveling the main image of Ryan.
Q3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
Before I started my creating my magazine and whilst i was researching the conventions of different pages in a magazine, i was mainly looking at rock magazines like kerrang and Q published by Bauer, and NME published by I.P.C MEdia. The Media i chose was Bauer, because they publish the kerrang magazine and its successful in everyway possible. Plus, its simialr to my magazine and it relates to my heavy metal theme and my questionnaire and my questionnaire results. Plus, the Bauer Media Group publishes 46 magazines. so it came to my mind that bauer publishes maggazines like kerrang and Q, the audience would be more interested in the product, since that kerrang have a weekly issue. Also, I realised that bauer published magazines are suitable for young teenage audience, that give out news and other interresting events that would attract its suitable audience.

Q4. Who would be the audience for your media product?
The audience for my media product or my magazine designs would be both genders between the age of 12-20. I think this is a good idea to be chosen because all the different types of conventions in heavy metal/ rock music would appeal to this age group. Even though the maximum age is 20 years old, i still think that people at the age of 20 would be interested in rock and the events that would happen around their own area. But under the age of 12, i think that the theme and colour would be too Gothic and graphic for children under the age of 12. The way Ryan is dressed on my front cover would also suit the audience's appearance. The way Ryan's hair is long and straight, but in its own style. plus his clothing is dark and matches with his hair colour, but the hair colour doesn't really matter, just as long as it is a dark colour. The clothing on the front cover is a black jacket with an Iron maiden T-shirt, which gives out that Ryan is also a fan of a rock band and could be a fan of many others. Also, the prop which is a guitar evidently gives out that Ryan is into rock music by the way his guitar is designed and the colour of it, which signifies that he is obviously a guitarist too. The guitar also attracts musicians, people who would be inspired in rock music.
Having Ryan as a main picture on the front cover helps the audience connect to him More because it would be more easier to communicate somehow to someone in the suitable audience if they are the same age, that is why i took a picture of him because he is 16 years old so he an elate to people younger than him, from experience, and the older side of the audience can relate to him from experience, also connecting with advice and other things that they know between Ryan and the audience. Also, its very likely hat most teenage musicians would be around in Ryan's local area to purchase this magazine on a mothly or possibly a weekly issue. The images for this questions are some examples of teenagers that have the same style as Ryan, the way thier hair is, and there clothing, they are all similar to the picture of Ryan on the front cover, and a perfect example of an audience.

Q5. How did you attract/address your audience?
Well my audience was based on my magazine theme but the opinions i have heard so far would probably think that the magazine is interesting and attractive.
My masthead and cover lines attract my target audience because of the features i have chosen that would match the theme.
Ryan who is the artist on the front cover is an inspiration to the target audience because one of his quotes from the interview is "Rock hard or die" which reveals the imaginary idea that he is a symbol of rock.
Also the font on the all of  my designs have a Gothic type, which is another attraction to the suitable audience. The thought of this would also be suitable to the magazine  even though it is based round the rock genre of music.
My music magazine attracts my target audience by its entertaining colour scheme. I have kept to a professional layout which also helps attract readers.

I got some feedback for my magazine by interviewing at least 2 people that have thier own opinions on my magazine designs. Plus, they also menton some of there thoughts on improvements which could possibly help me make my design look alot better.

Q6. What have you learnt about the techniques from the process of construction of this product?
Well before i started the construction of my magazine i knew the basic things on the similar programs i used for my designs. Throughout this period of time i managed to know the basic of other programs like QuarkxPress and Photoshop. This made my magazine front cover look professional and gave it a great look to the audience, mainly my front cover was used for Photoshop and my contents page was used for QuarkxPress. 
When i first started using Photoshop i already knew some basic stuff on the program from similar Adobe programs like Adobe Illustrator. But with Photoshop i learnt that you can change the colour, brightness and the effect of the image. Plus i also learnt that you can divide other images by separate layers which could help the user of the program. Photoshop was a really good use to me and using the tools like the quick selection tool, the eye dropper and the crop tool. Some of the others tools in Photoshop did seem to help my work look alot better but it was more about changing the settings of the image. 
These are all the tools in Photoshop:

I also figured out the methods that can be used on the QuarkxPress program that i used for my contents page and double page spreadsheet. Basically this program was easy to use because even though you can put images onto your design, it helps you guide the images and texts to wherever you want so that it makes your pages look a magazine designs.
Both of these programs are really helpful and they are the reason why my designs look professionally well done, hopefully these programs would help me create other designs in the future.

Q7.Looking back on your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
Before creating a music magazine we were given a task to create a preliminary task to create a college magazine which consisted of creating a front cover and a contents page. This task was merely set so we could become more familiar with working in the QuarkxPress and Photoshop.
In the past i have used Photoshop before but i have never used QuarkxPress, so this kind of made my designs easier for me, because in comparison the programs are not that difficult to use because both of the programs have the same tools which helps a design look better. But with QuarkxPress its more of a guide for images and text, which is why my designs look professional. In the progression time between the preliminary task and the full product of the music magazine designs, i feel that i can used Photoshop a lot better and that it has improved my skills on creative programming for a media situation. Overall i think producing my music magazine has been really successful and i am really pleased with the outcome.

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Music Magazine Finished Designs!!!

I have finally completed all my magazine pages, including the double page spreadsheet. All of which match the following conventions of a magazine and suit my chosen genre of music.

Front Cover
This is my completed Front Cover for my magazine design.
Looking back at my design sketches, I have matched my ideal design and made a fantastic theme to the representation of my musician being reveal on the front cover.

Contents Page
My completed contents page is more of a guidance page than a representation page. I am still showing my main musician to the audience/ reader and have kept the same theme in my magazine and staying with the chosen genre of music. Also i have stuck with the same colours as my magazine front cover, following the conventions of a normal magazine.

Double page Spreadsheet
This is my final design completed. its a double page spreadsheet interview of a musician. again i have kept the same theme of the previous two pages. Also i have stuck to same genre so i know i am following the conventions of a normal magazine. Also i have followed the main conventions of a double page spreed sheet so that it doesn't create any confusion for the audience/ reader.

Monday 12 December 2011

Music Magazine Photo Images

Since my last post I went home to my  local area and took some pictures for my music magazine that would be suitable and match my ideas. Some photos are involved in a musical activity and some are pictures of a posing person for the contents and double pager article/ interview.

Magazine Front Cover Image
The picture of the left is a photo image of a the musician that I am going to interview. As you can see he is in the same standing position as my idea design and has the same props that i have drew: Guitar, Wrist bands and microphone. Plus I have shared my audience research from my questionnaire results (Q.3B). The audience want to see a photo shot of the action and not the person looking at the camera. Using this would attract more attention to the audience once my front cover is completed. Also I went to a concert a month before my taken photos and I took a few photos of the event. Related to music, I'm going to use this as my background for my front cover magazine.
Contents Page Images
Whilst I was taking photos of the main person in the magazine, i also took pictures of a local band that was practising in the same building. With these taken photos I can use them in my contents page to show imagery proof of the named bands that i have mentioned in my text.

Double Page Image
  This photo image is a picture of the interviewed musician doing the same type of pose as my double page idea. Using a high angle shot, makes the musician look at the camera and makes him look smaller, also giving the audience that he is looking up at them and the audience is looking down at him.                                                                                                                                     

Friday 9 December 2011

Music Magazine: Initial Plan and Sketch Ideas For Front Cover, Contents and Double page

Initial Plan
After my collected results from my questionnaire, i used those results and created some ideas for my music magazine pages. Each question results are related to my ideas showing that i have used my research to improve my ideal work. Plus its relates to the theme of my idea, my results match up to a heavy metal type for my idea which would attract an audience suitable enough for a limited age.

Front Cover Idea
My magazine front cover has a heavy metal theme to it using medieval fonts to the master head and Gothic theme to the main person on the front cover "Ryan Mcmannion". Plus all of the text created on this design doesn't cover up the persons face or his instrument. Also, with my previous research on my college magazine i have gave my magazine front over a price tag, date of magazine release and a bar code which is at the bottom of the page. With all the text, fonts and theme put into the design, some shapes and text are in front of one another, so that it makes each shape stand out more, and giving it a 3-D look to it.

Contents Page Idea

The contents page idea design keeps the same theme as it does to my front cover page. Plus using the ideas from my audience research i have done the same text but have moved shapes around, plus using the contents page idea, my text is in columns and not rows, also i have drew 3 images that i could use to improve the ideal design. My colour theme to both my front cover magazine and contents page is going to be a dark and light theme. With my choice and using my research using only 3 colours, I'm going to choose red white and black, which suits the heavy metal look for the magazine.

Double Page Idea

Without my Photos taken for the magazine at this time, i have been looking through some magazines (mostly Kerrang) and comparing double page features/ interviews/ articles on each musician. Over time i have decided that my double page idea is going to look similar to this design because each convention is directed to the audience. The way that Matt tuck looks up at the camera, but as he looks up, its like he looks back at the audience as they read the article. Plus the colour theme of the text on the double page matches the colour theme on the musician and stands out more. Even though my idea will look similar to this, my fonts and colour theme is still going to be the same as my Magazine Front cover and my contents page.

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Music Magazine Research: Analysis/Conventions of Magazine Double Page

·         A stand out quote – In bigger text
·         Coherent colour scheme – usually with black main text
·         Usually the main image – bigger than others
·         Usually one or more smaller image
·         Main text is laid out in columns
·         Layout style matches the audience
·         Article needs a big title
·         Drop capitals used at start of articles
·         At end – Further information may be added – e.g. Release dates
·         Musicians photographed in serious poses
·         Small font used for article – 10pt.

Example of a magazine double paged article

Monday 28 November 2011

Audience Research + Questionnaire Conclusion

I have made a questionnaire to help my research for music magazines. My questionnaire is at 10 questions long, asking about the elements of music, to help with my design.
Once the questionnaire was completed i made 20 copies and added up the results.
paper results was not big enough for a picture framed image:
Question 1
kerrang =15
Q = 0
NME = 5

Question 2.
Metal = 10
Punk = 3
Indie Rock = 4
Pop Rock = 3

Question 3.
Pic. A = 6
Pic. B = 9
Pic. C = 5

Question 4.
Dark = 7
Light = 4
Both = 9

Question 5.
Guitar = 11
Bass = 0
Drums = 6
Vocals = 2
Other = 1

Question 6.
0-30 mins = 8
30-60 mins = 3
More = 4

Question 7.
Font 1 = 2
Font 2 = 4
Font 3 = 9
Font 4 = 5

Question 8.
The whole band = 17
Main member of band = 3

Question 9.
An instrument = 0
A Band = 14
News about a musician

Question 10.
teenage Rock = 2
Unleashed = 16
Chewn = 1
M = 1

Using these results i think i can figure out the right sort of theme to go with my Music magazine. Most of my results relate to a Heavy type of magazine, so I'm going to use my research to make it dark but more presentable.

Friday 25 November 2011

Media Music Magazine Research: The Magazine Industry

The magazine market - Basic Facts
  • In the UK there are 3000 different "consumer Magazines"
  • ...But most of the main magazines titles are owned and published by a relatively small number of companies.
Magazines as a Business
  • Magazines exist to make money for their owners.
  • Magazines make most f their money through selling advertising space - "Selling eyeballs to advertisers"
  • Advertisers like magazines because they enable them to reach very specific "Niche" audiences.
Magazine Circulation
  • Magazine publishers keep a close eye on their circulation figures - ie. how many magazines they sell each week/month.
  • Circulation figures are gathered by the audit bureau of circulation (ABC)
Music Magazine Publishers
  • I.P.C
  • Bauer
  • Future Publishing
Music Magazines published by I.P.C
  • NME
  • Uncut
Music Magazines published by Bauer
  • Kerrang
  • Mojo
  • Q
Music Magazines published by Future Publishing
  • Classic Rock
  • Class Rock prog
  • Computer Music
  • Future Music
  • Guitar Aficiando (US)
  • Guitar Legends (US)
  • Guitar Techniques
  • Guitar World (US)
  • Guitarist
  • Guitarist (Australia)
  • Metal Hammer
  • Revolver
  • Rhythm
  • Total Guitar