Monday 28 November 2011

Audience Research + Questionnaire Conclusion

I have made a questionnaire to help my research for music magazines. My questionnaire is at 10 questions long, asking about the elements of music, to help with my design.
Once the questionnaire was completed i made 20 copies and added up the results.
paper results was not big enough for a picture framed image:
Question 1
kerrang =15
Q = 0
NME = 5

Question 2.
Metal = 10
Punk = 3
Indie Rock = 4
Pop Rock = 3

Question 3.
Pic. A = 6
Pic. B = 9
Pic. C = 5

Question 4.
Dark = 7
Light = 4
Both = 9

Question 5.
Guitar = 11
Bass = 0
Drums = 6
Vocals = 2
Other = 1

Question 6.
0-30 mins = 8
30-60 mins = 3
More = 4

Question 7.
Font 1 = 2
Font 2 = 4
Font 3 = 9
Font 4 = 5

Question 8.
The whole band = 17
Main member of band = 3

Question 9.
An instrument = 0
A Band = 14
News about a musician

Question 10.
teenage Rock = 2
Unleashed = 16
Chewn = 1
M = 1

Using these results i think i can figure out the right sort of theme to go with my Music magazine. Most of my results relate to a Heavy type of magazine, so I'm going to use my research to make it dark but more presentable.

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