Tuesday 29 November 2011

Music Magazine Research: Analysis/Conventions of Magazine Double Page

·         A stand out quote – In bigger text
·         Coherent colour scheme – usually with black main text
·         Usually the main image – bigger than others
·         Usually one or more smaller image
·         Main text is laid out in columns
·         Layout style matches the audience
·         Article needs a big title
·         Drop capitals used at start of articles
·         At end – Further information may be added – e.g. Release dates
·         Musicians photographed in serious poses
·         Small font used for article – 10pt.

Example of a magazine double paged article

Monday 28 November 2011

Audience Research + Questionnaire Conclusion

I have made a questionnaire to help my research for music magazines. My questionnaire is at 10 questions long, asking about the elements of music, to help with my design.
Once the questionnaire was completed i made 20 copies and added up the results.
paper results was not big enough for a picture framed image:
Question 1
kerrang =15
Q = 0
NME = 5

Question 2.
Metal = 10
Punk = 3
Indie Rock = 4
Pop Rock = 3

Question 3.
Pic. A = 6
Pic. B = 9
Pic. C = 5

Question 4.
Dark = 7
Light = 4
Both = 9

Question 5.
Guitar = 11
Bass = 0
Drums = 6
Vocals = 2
Other = 1

Question 6.
0-30 mins = 8
30-60 mins = 3
More = 4

Question 7.
Font 1 = 2
Font 2 = 4
Font 3 = 9
Font 4 = 5

Question 8.
The whole band = 17
Main member of band = 3

Question 9.
An instrument = 0
A Band = 14
News about a musician

Question 10.
teenage Rock = 2
Unleashed = 16
Chewn = 1
M = 1

Using these results i think i can figure out the right sort of theme to go with my Music magazine. Most of my results relate to a Heavy type of magazine, so I'm going to use my research to make it dark but more presentable.

Friday 25 November 2011

Media Music Magazine Research: The Magazine Industry

The magazine market - Basic Facts
  • In the UK there are 3000 different "consumer Magazines"
  • ...But most of the main magazines titles are owned and published by a relatively small number of companies.
Magazines as a Business
  • Magazines exist to make money for their owners.
  • Magazines make most f their money through selling advertising space - "Selling eyeballs to advertisers"
  • Advertisers like magazines because they enable them to reach very specific "Niche" audiences.
Magazine Circulation
  • Magazine publishers keep a close eye on their circulation figures - ie. how many magazines they sell each week/month.
  • Circulation figures are gathered by the audit bureau of circulation (ABC)
Music Magazine Publishers
  • I.P.C
  • Bauer
  • Future Publishing
Music Magazines published by I.P.C
  • NME
  • Uncut
Music Magazines published by Bauer
  • Kerrang
  • Mojo
  • Q
Music Magazines published by Future Publishing
  • Classic Rock
  • Class Rock prog
  • Computer Music
  • Future Music
  • Guitar Aficiando (US)
  • Guitar Legends (US)
  • Guitar Techniques
  • Guitar World (US)
  • Guitarist
  • Guitarist (Australia)
  • Metal Hammer
  • Revolver
  • Rhythm
  • Total Guitar

New Assessed Music Magazine

After the work i did for a college magazine and understanding the features of a magazine front cover and the contents page, researching the conventions. Now, I'm going to make a Music magazine for my own choice, using research to help my create my idea design.

Finished designs for Magazine Front Cover and Contents Page

After using the chosen programmes i have finally completed my idea designs for my magazine front cover and my contents page, using the photographic images that i have taken too.

College magazine front cover

This is my magazine front cover design, in comparison it looks a little similar to my brief ideas but with a few differences. II have used the image i have taken of the student from the previous college. Using the told in Adobe Photoshop Cs5 i have wiped out all the background behind the shot taken of the student, a created and outline of the shape of figure. Then i made the image look bigger so that the student fills up some space on the front cover, and so that the audience can see his facial expression, attracting the audiences attention.

Contents Page
This is my finished design of my contents page for the magazine, using the selected programme QuarkXPress. This took a while to make because i had to use the few optional tools to create text boxes and insert take photographic pictures useful for the design. Whilst making these creations I then had to add colour to them boxes/text/background. Also, increasing the size of text for the audience to see. Then i had to save is as a PDF file and then open the file into a Photoshop programme, giving it a background and then saving it as an image to get the full design completed.

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Using Photo Images For Magazine Front Cover and Contents Page

Magazine Front Cover Image
Now that i have made a draft publication of my Magazine Front cover and Contents page ideas, i have taken a couple of photos that would be suitable for my magazine design.

This is a picture of a student from college with a medium-shot picture view.

From this image, the suitable audience/ readers can see the picture clearly and know that it is aimed at them. We know this because of the facial expression of the satudent in the picture, he looks directly at the audience.

Magazine Contents Page
This photographic image was taken inside of a college cafe.

This image is taken for the contents page so that the audience know what its like inside a college and show how suitable safe and secure and open free the facility. this helps attract the audience's attention and makes it the idea design very persuasive about the college that the magazine is representing.

Photo Image of a student from college.

This is another small image for the contents page, a student striking a happy pose, showing the audience how much he likes college, another way to attract the audience's attention, and persuade parents to let there children come to this college too.

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Ideas of Magazine Cover and Contents Page

These are my ideas for my magazine front cover and my contents page. Hopefully my designs will look similiar to these briefs. For my Idea designs im going to use an two different programmes. My first prgramme im going to use for my Magazine front cover is a programme called Adobe Photoshop. The other programme im going to use is for my contents page is a prgramme called QuarkXPress.

Magazine Front Cover Idea

Magazine Contents page Idea